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English > Sustainable development > Development goal

Development goal

 Development Goals

  1. With large-scale, high-purity, refinement and specialization as the product orientation, with technological innovation and improvement of staff quality as the driving force, with system and management innovation as the means, to build a distinctive new chemical material industry, vigorously develop high-end fine chemical products with broad market prospects.


  2, Based on the company's own advantages, we strive to achieve upstream and downstream integration of products.


  3. Relying on resource advantages, Dalian Qihua, which sets up phenol-propanone device for a full development of the petrochemical industry, produces phenol propanone and matches raw materials for BPA by use of Dalian Petrochemical Co.,LTD’s aromatic hydrocarbon resources of petrochemical industry , to realize the complement of resources that have respective advantages.

Add: No. 80 industrial estate, Dalian economic and Technological Development Zone.

Tel: 0411-87513706

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